Kerstyn had a very fun filled day! Aunt Tonya and cousin Aden came over, and we went to pick up great gramma Tate for her 80th birthday. We didn't go anywhere fancy - just McDonalds! Gramma didn't care, and it was a place where Aden could run off some energy. Then we went to the grocery store just to pick up some milk for gramma. Almost $100 later we leave with 2 very over tired cranky kids and a whole back truck load of groceries. Of course Aden fell asleep in the store, but not my little investigator. She was too busy checking everything out, and couldn't fall asleep of course. Then finally in the car on the way back to gramma's - after some areobic like maneuvers to be able to nurse Kerstyn while driving she finally fell asleep. We had a wonderful day spending time with our family!
1 comment:
Aden IS Keifer Sutherlands baby - there's absolutely no doubt now.
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