My baby girl is growing up! On Monday she will be 7 months old. WOW - how time has flown.
We are just now getting into a pretty good sleep routine - day and night. Good to me anyway - may not be to others, but that doesn't matter!
Kerstyn is still nursing like a champ, and isn't interested in solids at all anymore. She hadn't tried too many or too much anyway, but she could care less now. So, were holding off for another few weeks to start reintroducing them to her. She's probably about 14 lbs and 27 inches long. I'm glad she's petite - because then it still feels like she's a new baby. Which she is - but you know what I mean.
I haven't had a day where I've felt like I was gonna loose it for a while now. At least not like I was. I guess once I quit fighting her on her sleep habits during the day everything got easier. She is teething, but there is no sign of a tooth coming through anytime soon. I was looking in my baby book earlier, and I got my 1st tooth at 5 mos. I was also sitting up unassisted at 6 mos.
She is such a precious girl, and is happy all the time - unless she's fighting a nap! She loves being carried in her baby carrier, and it has seemed to help her sleep at night better. She has started screaming a little - just to hear herself I think. So, we've started having screaming matches during the day while at home. She is changing everyday, and just so much fun!!! I love being a mommy to my Kerstyn!
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