Saturday, April 12

some new things

I haven't been good about posting regularly, and Kerstyn has been changing so much! I'll post some of the new things she's been doing, and saying.

Last week we were discussing her biting issue at school. I asked her why she kept biting, and she just looked at me puzzled. I explained what why meant, but to an almost 3 year old it had to of been Greek! So, Monday I picked her up from school, and told her we were going home or something. Well, she started asking why to everything I said. I mean everything! I'd say something, and she'd say why, then again, and again. It was too funny. Jason said he was taking her to school Thursday morning, and she asked him why about something. He said he was explaining the situation to her - when she said "daddy...what are you talking about?" LOL!! He was cracking up! Oh, Friday morning Kerstyn's teachers informed me that she had told them earlier in the week that mommy was having a baby. wow...not!! They said that was her saying she was ready for a baby. She cracks us up everyday with something new. Her speech is getting clearer, and her expressions are hilarious!! She is such a joy, and blessing to have in our lives. We are privileged that God choose us to be her parents!!

We were playing in her playroom the other night, and I snapped some pics...finally!! The whole family was there :)


Anonymous said...
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Sharon said...


I looked at this and thought...."Wow! Kerstyn is going to have to start shaving her legs soon!" LOL! I am glad this is Jason's knees and not hers...or yours! :) Funny pics!
