I forgot to post these pictures the other day of Kerstyn trying to nurse the couch. Yes, you saw and read that correctly - trying to nurse the couch. It seems she will try and suck on just about anything. She is a supersucker!! I guess I'll blame that on teething since that is a side affect, and we still have no teeth. I've been telling Jason about her scrunchy faces, and he finally got to see it - but we could only get a picture of a crying scrunchy face. I will have to be ready with the camera, and get a good one of her happy scrunchy face. She's a little stinker!! I'm now working on nap sleep training, and we will see how much sleep (or lack of) she actually gets! So, far she's been in her crib almost 2 hrs this morning, and maybe passed out for about 15 mins. I guess we will try again for her afternoon nap :).
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