she is so funny :). I always forget to write down funny things Kerstyn has said, or done right after they happen - I've got to get better about that because I'm so forgetful. Thank God for the person he gave the wisdom to to invent sticky notes!! whooohooo! I do remember this because it happened yesterday. Jason texted me yesterday asking if I'd seen his check book. I said the last place I saw it was on the coffee table Friday night when you were resting. I then said you may want to check in all Kerstyn's purses and her playroom. The reason I know this is because before we leave the house to go somewhere she stuffs as many toys, snacks, whatever she can find laying around in whatever purse of her choice and brings it out the door. So stinkin cute!! For church Saturday, she had 3 measuring cups, a stuffed rabbit, some fruit snacks and of course a raggy :). So, a little later I asked him if he'd found it. He said "so funny, it was in one of her purses". Hey, at least it wasn't lost :).