She L-O-V-E-S her new DVD player for the car!!!! Look at the trance she's in - LOL! It could be because her time with the tube is limited, but she was the quietest she's ever been in the car. We had a whole day away while I cleaned the 2 houses I do, and this was a really good thing to have for the drive. She loved it, and only looked away in that one pic because her daddy was walking by.
She always manages to go exactly to the ONLY place she can't go to in the whole house. I have a baby gate there that's held by my sewing maching box - but whatever - that doesn't work. She's even cute when she's getting into trouble.
She's just such a happy little girl! I've been only turning the TV on for about an hour in the afternoon, and the rest of the day we listen to music - when were home. Well, when a song comes on that has a quick beat - she just hangs onto whatever is around and sways back and forth and all around - and bounces up and down. It's amazing that she just knows what to do, and dances. I am just in awe of everything she is teaching me :-)
Aunt Ashley came to stay with us a couple of nights, and Jason and I got to finally go on our 1st date since we've had Kerstyn :). It was nice, and I was able to go to a conference at church too. Ashley is so good with Kerstyn and plays with her all the time. We all had a great time!
This started yesterday, and she's quick! Within half a minute she's up into standing position, and exploring the world at a higher view. I can't punish her for it - because she's just learning new things. It does scare me though, but I'm sure it's not gonna be the last thing that ever will :).
Of course they're out of order...
After Kerstyn woke up from her nap she was rested and ready to play! Daddy blew bubbles for her and Aden to play with, and we set up the pool that grampa Tate brought over. The babies had no desire to go into the pool, but Ashlee enjoyed it! Kerstyn thought about it a couple of times, but decided against it. She had a great day!
WOW! Kerstyn got tons of clothes and toys, and had a fun filled 2 hours at her birthday party. I knew we were on a stricked schedule because she would be more than ready for a nap at 1. Everything went very well - although kinda hectic for me (but that's just me...kinda anal :) ), and we made it just in time for a nap at 1. She went down fast, and stayed asleep until 3. I was so glad she was feeling much better, and got to enjoy everything and everyone. Her birthday buddies were: Gramma Block, Gramma and Grandaddy Fischer, Aunt Candice and cousin Cali, Grampa Tate and Gramma Cheryl, Aunt Danielle, Aunt Tonya, Cousin Aden, Colleen and Riley, Katie, David, Emily and Cody Mooneyham and Jacob Carlson, John, Becky and Karleigh Long, Jeremy, Courtney and Michael Bruce, and Mommy and Daddy. We greatly missed Aunt Ashley who wasn't feeling well, and Uncle Aaron who had to work, and Uncle Robert who is in Iraq fighting for our freedom everyday!!!! We can't wait to see you in a few months Uncle Robert!!!!
Kerstyn started sneezing a lot on her birthday, and the day after she was just plain not feeling good! She was extremely needy, and always wanted someone holding her. Thank God my mom was here during this episode :), and she was able to hold her to make her happy. Gramma enjoyed the extra cuddles, and after we got some medicine she was a little bit better.
Daddy said Kerstyn needed ice cream for her birthday, and so he shared his with her. She did fine with it, and didn't have any reactions. Then, they just had a great time playin and looking in the mirror.
I was just getting pittocin to start contractions at this time last year. Thankfully - I only had to feel them for about 30 mins, and got the epidural because of my high blood pressure. Wow, how time flies!!! I can't believe my baby girl is 1 today.